National Black Food & Justice Alliance

“The National Black Food and Justice Alliance (NBFJA) is a coalition of Black-led organizations aimed at developing Black leadership, supporting Black communities, organizing for Black self-determination, and building institutions for Black food sovereignty & liberation. The Alliance seeks to achieve this by engaging in broad based coalition organizing for Black food and land, increasing visibility of Black-led narratives and work, advancing Black-led visions for just and sustainable communities, and building capacity for self-determination within our local, national, and international food systems and land rights work. We focus our work on Black food sovereignty, self-determining food economies, and land. We approach food sovereignty, land and self-determining food economies through the lens of healing, organizing & resistance against anti-Blackness.”


“The engagement of Black communities in organized struggle is exponential, with numerous historical examples including but not limited to slave uprisings, marronage, civil rights organizing, Black power platforms, and continues today with the prominence of the movement for Black lives #blacklivesmatter efforts.  Still years of institutionalized and systemic anti-Black racism have eroded the infrastructure of Black-led social justice organizations, and the Black organizing base.  Transforming society requires deep and sustained ideological and strategic mass-based organizing, and those tactics have always been at the center of confronting and shifting power shifting in Black communities, emerging the collective wisdom of the grassroots into strategies that uproot and dismantle systems of oppression. We Believe that centering a transformative organizing approach allows for the creation of a long-term strategy that not only transforms systems and structures but further transforms society by shifting the way we exist in the world.”